
Kitschy began on a summer afternoon when Rebecca and Lisa browsed through an estate sale. They bought a beautiful piece of furniture together and started a business that day! Antiqueing, Thrifting, Flea Markets...that's what they do! They search for one of a kind flea market finds, estate sale treasures, and garage sale fixer uppers. They do the rigorous leg work for you and put in the hours of elbow grease needed to refinish a piece of furniture. (They also pick up lots of fun trinkets, bric brac and artwork along the way!) They have a year round booth that is packed full of inventory at The Parker Shoppes. They also participate in the Paris Street Market May thru October where you are sure to find a one-of-a-kind piece no matter how big or small!

contact us


Lisa Acker

Rebecca Tice

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Our first time at PARIS!

May 2011 Paris Street Market turned out to be a successful premier for Kitschy.  We had a ball, and boy oh boy, were our dogs screaming at the end of the day.  But it was all worth it.  We had wonderful weather and wonderful family members that pitched in to help!
We started the night before loading up the UHaul.  Called in the muscles of Brad's brother Tom to help!

            Brad strapping on the back brace.                 
Brad was messing with the girls and locked them in the UHaul.  When we opened it back up we found Emily covering her nose and Samantha laughing.  Not sure what went down but if I were to take a guess it would have to do with a stinky 10 year old.  
 We filled the 10 footer to the rim!!

 We also filled Brad's truck, my van and Rebecca's Jeep.  Tons of merchandise!!

Next morning we arrive at the break of dawn (6 am) to set up in the Aspen Grove Parking lot!  
BOOM!  Just like that we have our booth ready to go!!  Thank you to Brad and John, our trusty husbands, for all their hard work!!!!!

Giving Brad a high five and he leaves me hanging. 

 John in the background making his final rounds before we kick him and Brad out!  Our booth looked beautiful and FULL!!

We changed our logo/design.  A collaborative effort between Rebecca and Lisa with the help of the talented John Tice on computer graphics.

We brought a camera and tried to take a quick snaphot of every visitor (family/friends) we had!  Thanks to all of you for stoppin' by!

The Tuttles...
 Grandma Jean!  Lisa's wonderful Momma! 

 Kristy Robinson!
 Patty Lillmars!
Lisa's favorite brother and sister (in law), Mike and Melanie.  (Trying to hug them even though they were behind me)
 Brad brought Joe after he bribed him with Taco Bell.
 Lisa's nieces, Madelyn and Jamie Gannon!
  "Nanny", Lisa's wonderful mother-in-law
 Brad, standing guard and watching for shoplifters.
 Mark Taylor browsing for a birdcage.  Not really.  We just asked him to pretend! 
 Mark and Lori Taylor!
 Our teenage daughters, Emily and Megan, hung out with us for awhile!   
 Cady Collins (pal and coworker of Rebecca's) and her adorable brood!  
 Longtime friend of Lisa's, Cathie Nicholson, came down from Evergreen!
 Our helpers at the end of a long day!  
 Boxing what is left to haul back!
Now the fun part...back home to add up our earnings!  (after dinner with our family at Five Guys, of course!) 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Our battle with the Primer!

We are all about efficiency!  One Saturday morning we lined up all our furniture and primed them all together using Rebecca's new paint gun.  It worked, but the process was grueling!
First obstacle was trying to get the lid back on the stupid paint gun.  This took us about 15 minutes to figure out.                                                               

 After two attempts by me (I clogged the gun because I tilted it too much), Rebecca took charge and she went NUTS and painted everything in sight.  She was on such a roll that she forgot that she wasn't wearing any shoes.  When she was done, her feet were covered in sticky primer and dead grass.  This is a perfect example of the "blood and sweat" that we put into Kitschy!

 Do you like our makeshift paint studio?
 We can always count on our girls to help out.  They love Kitschy!