
Kitschy began on a summer afternoon when Rebecca and Lisa browsed through an estate sale. They bought a beautiful piece of furniture together and started a business that day! Antiqueing, Thrifting, Flea Markets...that's what they do! They search for one of a kind flea market finds, estate sale treasures, and garage sale fixer uppers. They do the rigorous leg work for you and put in the hours of elbow grease needed to refinish a piece of furniture. (They also pick up lots of fun trinkets, bric brac and artwork along the way!) They have a year round booth that is packed full of inventory at The Parker Shoppes. They also participate in the Paris Street Market May thru October where you are sure to find a one-of-a-kind piece no matter how big or small!

contact us


Lisa Acker

Rebecca Tice

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Movin' on up!

The space we started with at The Parker Shoppes was painted purple, so we went there the night before we were to move in and primed and painted with the help of our husbands.  We could not do this without them!  

Took a break while the primer dried and had wings, burgers and onion rings!  Refuel!! 

The following night we left the boys behind and left our homes to pick up a hutch that Rebecca bought that day at an estate sale. That was at 4:30 pm.  We finished at 2:30 am.  It took us 10 hours to finish our booth!  Our first step was to hang our lights, which Rebecca did with ease!   

We have lots of wall space so that took a good portion of the night just hanging up stuff!  I think it was about midnight at this point hence the contacts out and the glasses on!  
This is when the giddyness set in and everything made me laugh...Probably about 1:00 am.  Did I mention that the only music we could listen to was the station that the store was set on which for some reason was disco?  That's over 8 hours of disco we listened to!
 Our finished project!  This is our Christmas corner.  Rebecca put this together-she is quite the "stager"
 Rebecca's creation - an old screen door and lights...she is something else!
 A wall WAYYYY up high!  We still used it!
 The green hutch is the one we picked up that day!

 This headboard with the frames hanging from it was my idea.  Hammered old rusty nails into that headboard until I couldn't hammer anymore.  Hardest wood I have ever worked with.  Wondering when we are going to get a call saying the whole thing fell to the ground!

  We have a small sized booth, plus the whole wall across from it and this corner wall piece too.  Lots to work with and a bit of a challenge!  We were exhausted and excited at the same time.  Can't wait to see what this adventure brings!

Friday, October 21, 2011


Rebecca and I are moving up to BIGGER and BETTER things!   We have recently acquired a booth at The Parker Shoppes www.TheParkerShoppes.net .  We will be moving in on Nov. 2, 2011!  Stay tuned as you will want to visit this store!  AMAZING STUFF!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sweet William Market-Stapleton

Sweet William Street Market in Stapleton.  Our first time.  It was a beautiful HUGE space and we could of fit so much more in it.  Sold about 1/3 of what we make at Paris Street Market.  Still, there was great weather as the leaves were falling, great music (acoustic guitar-our favorite) and great food (Rebecca and I shared a spicey steak sandwich).  A delightful day, just wish we could of made more CASH!
Sold this vintage beauty to a gal who is going to use it as a vanity!

Had a customer interested in this at Sweet William but could not buy it that day.  Gave her a business card and she called us the following weekend at Paris Street Market and bought it there!

 This antique, repainted, beautiful waterfall dresser is still available at our booth at Colorado Antique Gallery!  

 Sold this unique buffet piece at Paris and it was a beast to get into our customer's car.  I almost droppped my end.  It was super heavy!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

July in Paris-Hot Hot Hot Hot Hot!

Here we go again!  Another early morning set up at Paris Street Market with our trusty husbands!  
 We love you boys!  
 We had another helping hand today...Andrea, Rebecca's sister.  She was our "errand girl" and refreshed our drinks and filled our empty tummy's with food whenever we needed it!  We love you, Andrea!
 As many times as we have set up this tent, one of us still pinches our finger in it!  Yeow!

 Phew, complete in just the knick of time!
 Me, Andrea and Rebecca "taking a load off"! 
 This is my "artsy-fartsy" shot of Rebecca through one of our door windows.
 This photo is important because it shows how our booth gets smaller and smaller as the day goes by.  We just keep moving everything up and we LOVE when this happens!
 Darling Rebecca
This was one of the hottest months we have had at Paris.  We even went so far as to pour water down our shirts.

Friday, July 8, 2011

This is our June Paris Street Market show.  Unloading with the help from my brother-in-law Eduardo!  We sure do love our families and the help they give us!

The sun rising in the east...yes, we are there when the sun rises!   We have to be set up for those early morning shoppers!
This piece we called "the beast".  It sold to a very creative customer who was going to use it in her antique shop to store paper!  We love to learn what our customers are going to do with each piece.  
That's me struggling with my money bag to get change for a customer.  Happens all day long.
My momma stopped by and brought us more $1's.  Thanks Grandma Jean!
My sister-in-law Robbin and her family were visiting from Texas, as well as Tom, my brother-in-law and his kids from Alaska!  

Got the men to help us do some rearraging.  As we sell stuff, we have to continually move stuff around, which is a DANG GOOD THING!

Here is Rebecca's husband, John and her brother-in-law, Mark helping set up our canopy for July!  Like I said, we couldn't do it without our family!  This was the only photo we got, as my camera died right after this!
We were really hoping we had a camera because it was an exciting show!  I could kick myself because ALL of Rebecca's family was visiting from Nebraska and Arizona!  So, I managed to capture them on my cell phone.  We had Rebecca's boss, Dr. Hoggan and his wife, Georgina, Rebecca's sister, Andrea, and her mom, Evelyn as well as her son, Nick and daughter, Maddy!  They were all with us when the afternoon storm hit (and some other lady stranger in an orange shirt who got stuck under our tent while she was browsing!)  With about 45 minutes left before closing it poured rain.  Luckily, because Kitschy has such awesome merchandise, we sold practically everything and managed to fit what was left under our canopy.  Some vendors, as you can see by my 
video were not so lucky.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Our first time at PARIS!

May 2011 Paris Street Market turned out to be a successful premier for Kitschy.  We had a ball, and boy oh boy, were our dogs screaming at the end of the day.  But it was all worth it.  We had wonderful weather and wonderful family members that pitched in to help!
We started the night before loading up the UHaul.  Called in the muscles of Brad's brother Tom to help!

            Brad strapping on the back brace.                 
Brad was messing with the girls and locked them in the UHaul.  When we opened it back up we found Emily covering her nose and Samantha laughing.  Not sure what went down but if I were to take a guess it would have to do with a stinky 10 year old.  
 We filled the 10 footer to the rim!!

 We also filled Brad's truck, my van and Rebecca's Jeep.  Tons of merchandise!!

Next morning we arrive at the break of dawn (6 am) to set up in the Aspen Grove Parking lot!  
BOOM!  Just like that we have our booth ready to go!!  Thank you to Brad and John, our trusty husbands, for all their hard work!!!!!

Giving Brad a high five and he leaves me hanging. 

 John in the background making his final rounds before we kick him and Brad out!  Our booth looked beautiful and FULL!!

We changed our logo/design.  A collaborative effort between Rebecca and Lisa with the help of the talented John Tice on computer graphics.

We brought a camera and tried to take a quick snaphot of every visitor (family/friends) we had!  Thanks to all of you for stoppin' by!

The Tuttles...
 Grandma Jean!  Lisa's wonderful Momma! 

 Kristy Robinson!
 Patty Lillmars!
Lisa's favorite brother and sister (in law), Mike and Melanie.  (Trying to hug them even though they were behind me)
 Brad brought Joe after he bribed him with Taco Bell.
 Lisa's nieces, Madelyn and Jamie Gannon!
  "Nanny", Lisa's wonderful mother-in-law
 Brad, standing guard and watching for shoplifters.
 Mark Taylor browsing for a birdcage.  Not really.  We just asked him to pretend! 
 Mark and Lori Taylor!
 Our teenage daughters, Emily and Megan, hung out with us for awhile!   
 Cady Collins (pal and coworker of Rebecca's) and her adorable brood!  
 Longtime friend of Lisa's, Cathie Nicholson, came down from Evergreen!
 Our helpers at the end of a long day!  
 Boxing what is left to haul back!
Now the fun part...back home to add up our earnings!  (after dinner with our family at Five Guys, of course!)